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About Us

D'Ranch at Clearwater is a small, 40 acre hobby farm located on the north side of the Lake of the Ozarks in Central Missouri. What started as a simple love of backyard chickens has now become a dream farm for Tracey Durant and her husband Theodore. Nestled in the valley between two forest covered hillsides, and running adjacent to Clearwater Creek on the east and the lake on the south, D'Ranch could not have been a more perfect location for the Durants to plant their roots and get their feet wet. While they continue their love of backyard chickens with their small egg and hatchery operation know as HeebyJeeby Chickens, they have expanded their interests to an array of friendly farm animals including horses, a mini mule, cows, pigs, sheep, ducks, and an occasional turkey or two. 

Friendly Faces

Here at D'Ranch there are always friendly faces to greet you! Poncho, our faithful herding dog, keeps a watchful eye on all the animals and loves to greet new visitors. As a guest you have the opportunity to interact with all of the farm animals as much or as little as you feel comfortable. You may find yourself scratching a pig's belly, rocking a chicken to sleep, or even cuddling a cow. Our animals are raised with love and kindness no matter what their purpose on the farm may be.


NEW FOR 20212022!

We have begun our adventure into natural, pasture raised livestock. Join us as we raise meat birds, egg producers, sheep and pigs...all on fresh green pasture without GMO feed! We believe in giving back to the Earth more than we take from it, and this is just one little step in the right direction of wholesome, natural food production.

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